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Introduction to 3ds Max Phong Shader in 3ds max.

Introduction to 3ds Max Phong Shader in 3ds max.



Phong shading smoothes the edges between faces and renders realistic highlights for shiny, regular surfaces.Intensities are interpolated across a face which is based on the averaged face normals of adjacent faces. Normal is calculated for every pixel of the face. Phong shader can  render opacity, shininess, specular, bump and reflection maps accurately.

The basic parameters are similar to blinn


How to set a material’s Shading type

  1. Go to Shader Basic Parameters rollout and open the shader drop-down list.
  2. Click the name of the shader type to Phong to use for the active material.

Basic parameters of Phong 


It will render the material in wireframe mode. You can also set the size of the wire in Extended Parameters.


It makes the material 2-sided. It will apply the material to both sides of selected faces.

Face Map

Face Map applies the material to the face of the geometry. If the material is a mapped material, it requires no mapping coordinates. The map is automatically applied to each face of the object.


It will render each face of a surface as if it were flat surface.


Phong Basic Parameters

  • Ambient – Ambient color is a color in a shadow. The lock button to the right of the Ambient and Diffuse settings, when on (the default), forces them to use the same map.
  • Diffuse – Diffuse is the color in direct light. I.e the color of a material.
  • Specular – Color of highlight on a shiny object.

Specular Highlights

  • Specular Level It is the intensity of specular highlight. As you increase the specular level, the highlight grows brighter.
  • Glossiness – Highlights get smaller and material gets shinier. It affects the size of Specular highlights
  • Soften-  Smoothes the adjacent faces of highlights



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