CGHUB closed down

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CGHUB closed down
CGhub Team Shakuro

CGhub Team Shakuro

Here is a Sad news for CG artists (and lovers of rad art in general) today, as online industry (and community) site CGHub has officially announced its closure.

In a short statement on its company Facebook page Shakuro, the operators of the site, say:

No more CGHUB.

Sad day. Project CGHUB is officially closed.

The reason behind this extremely tough decision is personal and will remain private. It’s absolutely not connected with business or any kind of technical difficulties.

On behalf of development team I would like to apologize to CGHUB users and fans for abrupt project closure and delay with its announcement.

If you have any kind of questions please send them to [email protected] . Can’t promise replies to everyone though.

CGHUB wasn’t ideal, but we loved it SO MUCH! :*(

If you have heard of it, you’ll know it’s demise is a real bummer. CGHub had emerged over the past two years to become almost the “standard” in digital art sites, especially when it came to video game artists (the majority of artists featured on our own Fine Art had galleries there), to the point where some artists’ only online presence was a CGHub page.

Team Shakuro

Amod Mantri

Amod drinks lots of coffee and writes articles. A student by day , blogger by night. When a team needs a gum to hold itself together , he is there to chew it.

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