1. Standard ToolBar
The Standard ToolBar contains open, save, hold, and fetch options.
2. Edit Mode ToolBar & Object ToolBar
The Edit Mode ToolBar contains various tools for level editing. The tools are undo and redo, link and unlink, select all, object movement/scaling, axes and terrain options, object selection, saving and loading.
The Object ToolBar contains tools for object alignment. The icons are go to selected object, align selection, align object to grid, set object height, align object to the surface normal,fix and unfix selected objects.
3. Terrain ToolBar
The Terrain Toolbar contains shortcuts to tools present in Terrain Editor menu.The icons are Terrain Editor,Texture Editor, and Time of the Day icon.
4. Dialogs ToolBar
The Dialogs ToolBars contains icon to access Material Editor, The Character Editor, The Database View, the Flow graph Editor and Asset Browser.
In CryEngine 3 developer are given the freedom to customize the toolbar to fit their preference and need.To customize the toolbar follow this steps:-
1.Right Click anywhere on the Icon Bar
2. There are few predefined Toolbar which can be turned on and off .
3. To customize these toolbar and create new ones simply click on the customize option at the bottom of the Toolbar setting menu.
4. The Customize allows user to customize the predefined toolbar or create a custom toolbar.
5. The New Button on the Right side of the Customize box allows user to create a new toolbar.
6. The Rename Button is used to rename the toolbar, the Delete button is used to delete the selected toolbar,and Reset button is used to return any changes made to the toolbar back to default.
1. Click on New button and name it to Toolbar_1 or any other name.
2. You will then notice an empty container is created on the toolbar section.
3. The commands tab allows user to drag and drop any of the icons in the command box into predefined toolbars as well as custom made toolbar ( eg. Toolbar_1).
4. As an example we will use Wireframe command. To do so go to Command tab -> display ->wireframe. Then drag the Wireframe command to the custom made toolbox ( Toolbar_1).
5. Click close to accept the changes made.
6. To test its function, click the newly added toolbar and we will notice it toogles the view from Wireframe to Original View mode.
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